Change of Venue

Early September has been busy this year. Our Baltimore Orioles, like Elvis, have left the building, so to speak. Escorted vigorously by some rather possessive Hummingbirds. They, having read the tea leaves, again, so to speak, and knew the Orioles had been packing up for a long trip, so took over the nectar feeder and acted like they owned the place. Me, being the jovial shut-in that I’ve become, had my good camera at hand and was clicking away.
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We had stopped feeding seeds, which means we stopped feeding the Sparrows, in July. They still show up now and then, and act tough, but all the other birds completely ignore them.








This is the last Oriole I saw, and she was being harried enthusiastically by an Emerald Hummingbird.





In addition to all the excitement going on outside my living room window, I noticed smoke from all the forest fires out west drifting into the Upper Midwest, and the weather guys piped up and said that the coming night’s sunset should be fabulous due to all the upper level particulate matter. I took their word for it and sent the drone up at sundown and, well, it was OK, not fabulous, just OK.

It actually looked more interesting to the East.

Here is a short video of what I saw at around 150 feet in the air.

We will finish this out with a Hummingbird video, since they are the winners of the ant flavored sugar feeder.

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