
I have always been interested in atmospheric phenomena, which is a fancy way of saying I like watching clouds. Living in Kansas, I would have to say was the best cloud watching to be had.

This was looking west from our place in May of 2015. The spring in Kansas is burning season and the plume of smoke took on the colors of the sky.

Coming back to Minnesota, I was pleasantly surprised with offerings here.
A bit understated, but nice colors. 

I have a Raspberry Pi Zero, which is the size of my thumb. It is a micro-computer that can do many things, but mine has a camera. I set it in my East upstairs window and let it take pictures. The image above was from that Pi. It has also taken bird images.

I made a case for my Pi Zero from my 3D printer, stuck it on a tripod near the feeder, added a battery and let it do its thing. This image is of a young Oriole female and a female Downy that had developed a sweet tooth/beak.

These days, I have set my Pi to run a timelapse for a couple of hours and I take those hundreds of images and compile them in a video editor, Shotcut, and it makes a video out of them.

With a Drone, I grabbed this sunset.

The glory of the Lord is shown in each one of these images. I am exceedingly thankful for the gifts of my mind and the ease in which I have learned and any other thing that He has directed me to. I was a history lover and He blessed all of us with a book, written through His hand, of the history of His chosen people and the inclusion of us Gentiles. Not necessarily a history book, but a user’s manual, for all of us.

Psalms 78:23 Yet He commanded the clouds above And opened the doors of heaven;

Proverbs 25:14 Like clouds and wind without rain Is a man who boasts of his gifts falsely. 

My only boast is Christ. Look at the sky and the glory He has made, and let He who created you, open the doors of heaven unto you. Repent, and follow the Risen Christ.

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