March Fourth

Woke up to another beautiful day. The sunrises this time of year can be amazing. And since the weather is warming up, the snow is melting, we have much to be thankful for. I have a YouTube subscription to Grace Community Church and once a week or so, it pops up with notice of new content on my computer. This is usually John MacArthur’s Sunday sermon or something similar to that. I look forward to what MacArthur preaches and learn from a man who has been preaching at the same church for over 50 years. Today was no different, today’s sermon was titled The Benefits of Suffering for Christ and he outlined how to shine a light into darkness. Or how you, a disciple of Christ, bring the Good News to a non believer. It went like this:

Be honest about sin and the cost of repentance – it is a free gift, salvation, but one that will cost you everything. However the reward is eternal life with our Savior.

Be urgent and tell people they need to repent now. None of us knows the span of our days. Jesus told this parable where a rich man who had much and thought he would live the easy life, found out different. (Luke 12:16-21) You truly have no time to wait. Repent Now!

Give them the truth about Christ, his person and his work. The Bible is the authoritative word breathed out by God. Jesus, through Old testament prophecy and His works and wonders, his crucifixion and resurrection, these you must believe for you to be truly saved.

When all of these things have been done, tell them with joy, that if they repent now and believe the gospel, they will be saved and given eternal life.

Many people fear death. It is what many government types used to scare us into compliance with their wishes. Death is the entry point for all of us, to either standing before our Savior and basking in His glory, or descent into darkness and torment. What would you choose? Where is fear when death is gain? The outer man is decaying while the inner man is renewed day by day when you are a child of God.

Here is the video of MacArthur’s sermon:

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