The wind finally died down and I had seen the Harvest Moon rise last night through the trees to the East. My plan was to send the drone up 10 minutes or so before sunup and get images of them both by swinging the drone from East to West. Ah, the best laid plans of men quite often run awry of our Creator’s Will. Namely clouds in the West.But all was not lost. This is my favorite time of the year, the colors, the soft light, the absolute lack of mosquitoes buzzing in your face. A glorious time of year. I did get a few curious looks from High Schoolers who walk past our place on the way to school. They saw some old dude staring up into the sky and then periodically looking down at something he was holding, all the while waving around like some dandelion being buffeted by the wind, which there was none. Probably thought, “just another day in the neighborhood, this being 2020 and all.” From some of the teenagers I have encountered, I’m pretty sure I did not register on their internal radar at all.
I pointed my drone to the East and waited for the sun to rise. And it did so with a beep, from my drone controller saying it was going to land the drone right now, cause the battery was doing it’s storage discharging thing, which it is not supposed to do when 200 feet in the sky. Smart machines being not so smart. I got some nice photos anyway. Enjoy