In Accordance To Their Kind

Before heading off to Bible Study yesterday morning, I ran across a video that takes a hard look at data from Europe and a little bit from the US in regards to viruses and how they work in populations. When you mention this, people quite often grit their teeth and rush to fall back on their tribe’s position on the subject. And of course the subject is COVID-19. It is an automatic assumption by now. But COVID-19 is a virus, since we live in a world created by our God, and a sensible world at that, things in this world work in accordance with their kind.


Scientists, before they turned to a Man centered world, vs God created, used to believe that this was a sensible world and the answers they were searching for would come from a world made by God, who was Loving, Merciful and Unchanging. Darwin and others changed that and now most people see Man as having the answers.

This video answered several questions of mine and opened my eyes again to how God works in the world. I urge you to watch the video and decide for yourself what to make of it. And then thank God for creating a sensible world for His creatures to live in.

Genesis 1:31 God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.

And while you’re at it, I encourage you keep going through the rest of His book. It will open your eyes.

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